

Top 9 Digital Transformation Trends for 2020

 When it comes to looking at the future of digital transformation, we can see many new technologies and trendy buzzwords. However, these are just making organizations flexible and adjusting to the wave of the digital revolution.

People in 2020 are more interested in trends, technologies, and developments that will become the major concerns of the digital agenda of this year. From Machine Learning to multi-cloud computing, to AI, the prime focus is one an extensive array of technologies that have a similar object: to ease and enhance the experiences of companies and users.

Digital Transformation for 2020

According to the MuleSoft Connectivity Benchmark Survey, 97% of IT decision-makers are supporting the initiatives for digital transformation at their specific companies. Moreover, the study recognizes the most necessitous digital transformation trends for 2020 and more, researching the perks and effects.

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Top Digital Transformation Trends to Watch Out for 2020

Let’s sum up the top digital transformation trends for 2020!

1. Multi-Cloud Computing

No cloud platform can fulfill the workload needs of your enterprise alone. 84% of organizations with over 1000 staff members choose a multi-cloud strategy, despite the problems of identifying the expense and complications of ownership.

Studies also assess the 165% of development above the next 18 months for organizations that use containerized apps to handle their environment.

2. Data-Driven Business

Data unlocking and assessment are at the core of digital transformation. Businesses are using their data for working to boost client experiences, introduce new services and products, and organize operations.

Studies show that analyzing data storehouses is associated with the performance of the company. 68% of popular organizations reported on functioning to reduce data archives and share knowledge.

Organizations are using data for streamlining business operations, enhancing client service, and bringing innovations. Reducing movement and friction of resources is straight impacted by how organizations can increase data to grow their expectant power.

3. AI Adoption

According to different studies, it can be predicted that AI-driven agencies will be 10 times more productive and efficient and hold twice the market shares of companies that don’t opt for the technology by 2025.

Hence, speeding up the adoption of artificial intelligence in the coming 5 years will be not just innovation, but a matter of survival.

To simplify the adoption process, you need modularity. Pre-trained AI accelerators will offer this as these accelerators work as building blocks for changing procedures. These Microservices allow companies to automate and optimize basic tasks separately within a complete process. Only then they can abstain from time-consuming development and create apps fast.

4. Teaming Up with IT

To boost the future of technology, companies are placing IT as a main facilitator to the business. IT is getting more pressure for delivering quicker. All organizations should work as a technology firm, edging a combination of new and growing technologies for enhancing the experiences of the stakeholders. Hence, IT should be innovative, rapid, and agile.

Studies show that IT can no more meet the business requirements. 36% of IT decision-makers could finish all projects assigned to them in 2019. Almost 7 out of 10 IT departments are just continuing to operate.

5. Investing in APIs

API (Application Programming Interface) is a kind of app that shows the performances of other apps through standard processes. This enables you to use various apps, with no replication and redundancy in programming codes. Businesses make use of APIs to boost their returns and productivity, creating a place for innovation.

91% of companies that have made a plan on private or public APIs are accomplishing great results. Benefits incorporate:

  • Enhanced user experience
  • Better customization for clients
  • Best experience of digital employees
  • Efficacy and automation of business operations
  • Reducing obstacles to digital innovations

These perks of investing in APIs are an important initiative to completely reap the benefits of the enhancements provided by digitization for the future.

6. Security & Governance

Cyberterrorism is an issue that tells about the manipulations on social hubs, the security of personal emails, and the capacity of recognizing and writing down fake news. In 2020, we can see that these problems are not yet resolved and humans are the weakest connection of every tech solution utilized for safeguarding company assets.

With the increasing number of devices and systems and the growing complications of IT infrastructure, the risks of possible vulnerability increases also. Depending on partners and vendors, and the industry-best services, can’t be the single solution.

Organizations must have disaster recovery plans and powerful governance practices in place, so they can run their business operations even if they need to compromise some parts of their infrastructure.

Flexibility might be an important feature of security practices and staff members should be trained on the ways of recovering after the attacks or continue their work even after the failure of some tools.

If flexibility is the basic aspect for staff members, the trust will be the same thing for clients. Clients are more aware of the risks that sharing their personal data involves, hence, organizations will need to establish faith with their clients to receive the worthiest data they require. They can lose this data fast upon a data breach.

Applying state-of-the-art digital security and monitoring systems is essential and here AI helps in identifying and preventing. Nevertheless, the companies still need to grow awareness and accountability of every staff and sharpen their digital expertise, so they get confidence while browsing the web both personally and professionally.

7. Connecting the Client Experience

Companies should fix for growing pressure on IT for opening up frequency range for offering tailored, connected experiences for their clients-from clients to partners to staff members to developers. Since the average number of apps used in every company is approx 900, it becomes difficult for organizations to deliver a connected experience.

Simultaneously, clients anticipate continuous journey throughout many channels incorporating mobile service portals and messaging services. Clients of Omni-channel invest 10% more online than single-channel clients.

A connected experience includes cutting off friction in the user journey and being available anytime, anywhere. Clients are also anticipating extremely tailored experiences. 74% of clients think that organizations must understand their requirements and expectations.

8. Collaborate With External Stakeholders for Co-Creating Value

In a growingly interconnected world, digitization offers state-of-the-art tools for teaming up with external stakeholders and partners for co-creating value. It fuels up a winning business environment and introduces new services and stimulates the market with an increased number of competitions.

A mental transmission to an outlook of relation with stakeholders is important, assisted, and fed by digital innovation which organizes and eases complicated relationships.

As per the Forrester Global API Strategy and Delivery Service Providers Report for Q2 2019, the utilization of external APIs triples the chances of growing business revenues by 15%. Hence, collaboration should be assisted by favorable tools and it should understand the capacity and value in the long run.

9. Digital Twins

You can make digital representations of real-world things – digital twins by utilizing sensors embedded in physical things for gathering omnipresent data. They are created on the concept that digital asset models exist together and are related to real assets. These days, this helps a lot in lowering expenses in manufacturing and supply chain management.

This approach, in 2020 will spread to other portions of the business world. Every procedure can be digitized for unveiling hidden issues and solve them to boost efficacy. 82% of professionals utilizing this approach assure that procedures with machine learning help get solutions to unknown issues.

Bottom Lines

The human element is the main thread among all these digital transformation trends. Although digital changes over the last 10 years have aimed at the promise of tech-driven productivity, we believe that the future will be about humans. It will be regarding how we utilize technology for transforming our lives, jobs, surroundings, and experiences. The future will be completely digital but it will be thoroughly human also.

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